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November 4, 5 & 6

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Do you ever feel that call from your subconscious? That call to be your pure self in body and mind? To feel powerful, energetic, connected, grand and insignificant at the same time? To feel that you live fully, freed from conditioning, blockages or expectations? With the self-healing ability as nature intended? Wonderful when you feel that call, the door that is open to come home to yourself…  

AVANI welcomes you to the EARTH RETREAT to embark on a healing, transformative journey together. Where you connect deeply with your core and experience that you yourself are the medicine of your life and future.  


We take you on a 3 day trip in nature and in old traditions. Without a clock, telephone, camera and without work, partner or children. For a weekend you live to the rhythm of nature. We offer a combination of plant medicines (legal truffles), the sweat lodge, shamanic energy work, sound healing and connected breathing. This can help you connect with your inner wisdom to get to the core and accelerate a process of deep healing, psychological well-being and meaningful change. 

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A safe bed for your inner journey

AVANI offers us a space of openness, where you feel safe to go in and reconnect with your own nature. Where you can find new perspectives. Because do you sometimes ask yourself 'who am I?' and 'what do I really want?'. In a world that is constantly and rapidly changing, it is difficult to really know yourself. Let alone stand for it and live it fully. Do you long for more direction and clarity to let go of the old and to create a new, deepening and larger vision?  

Then join us on this transformative journey. A weekend after which you will better take your place in your life, you will get more focus and energy. Where nature gives you insights into what's going on in you, where it hurts, what can be released, who you are and what you actually want.


Inzicht krijgen in jouw oude verhaal.


Het oude eren, plaats geven en loslaten wat niet meer dient.


Verkennen en ervaren van een ruimer perspectief. Wat is er meer mogelijk!


Inzichten vertalen naar concrete toepassingen in jouw leven en werk.


  • We connect with the forces of nature to awaken our own primal forces and become who we really are.

  • We rediscover a deep connection with ourselves and nature.  

  • We experience deep cleansing of everything we no longer need. We sweat it out, breathe it out, and rinse it off.  

  • Together we will enjoy, deepen, breathe, sweat, laugh, cry, shiver, scream, wonder, but above all live life to the full.  

  • We connect with our capacity for self-healing  

  • We experience that we are the creator of our inner world and our life

  • We stand still and discover what really lives in us.

  • We work with ancient rituals and nature. The sweat lodge, our breathing, the plant medicines (legal truffles) and music.

  • We eat good food. Healthy food. So that we not only go home emotionally healthier, but also physically.

  • And all that in a beautiful, healing place. AVANIA

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We invite men and women who feel the call to go on a journey and want to understand themselves better. For people who want to get more out of life, who want to grow and develop. Who take matters into their own hands and lead themselves to an improved version of themselves. People who are ready to clean up old clutter and want to take a giant leap forward. People who feel the call to deepen, to challenge themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Who trust their inner knowing and feel that the answers can be found in their nature. Maybe you've been doing inner work for a long time, maybe you haven't. What is important is the willingness and desire to open, give and deepen yourself. And the courage to go beyond your comfort zone. 

Wat kan je verwachten?


The AVANI Team has expertise in energy healing, sound healing, behavioral change, transformation, systemic work, breath work, plant medicines and sweat lodge ceremonies. 

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Chiel guides people in nature back to their own nature. The connection with nature is the key in his life and his center Avani. In the sweat lodge and the fire he takes people on a journey to their origin. To remember who they really are and see what lives inside them. 

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Pleuni Apollonia and Robert Tolenaars are musicians. When their paths crossed years ago, they recognized each other as like-minded people with a similar passion and love for music. Each deeply committed to their own inner path and mission, they complement each other in a special way.


Read below the experiences of participants of

previous editions and get inspired.

(In weerstand, oordelend en als een dwalende die zichzelf kwijt was!)

Een heerlijke plek is Avani. Waar je de rust kunt vinden, om weer terugkerend in je eigen lichaam te gaan, in een proces van dagen wat je langzaam afschilt. 
En waar ik, de  onderdrukte gevoelens van pijn heb mogen voelen en ervaren, in een vertrouwde en veilige setting. 
Daar, waar de liefdevolle energetische verbindingen met anderen welkom zijn, om te kunnen leren en helen. En zo, sta ik dankzij Chiel en zijn fantastische team vol intuïtieve begeleiding in mijn kracht!


Bewust ZIJN, open voor elke sensatie en emotie, alles is welkom en kan ik zien en omarmen.
In 4 dgn werd glas helder welke stukken verdriet gevoeld wilde worden, waar ik mijzelf voor wilde vergeven en welke niet helpende overtuiging ik mocht ombuigen naar een overtuiging die wel helpt.
Ik hou van reizen door alle lagen heen, elke werkvorm was helpend bij dit proces, tekenen, verbonden ademhaling, de zweethut, bewegen en de inner quest.
Het ervaren van mijn ware essentie vind ik een kadootje en is zo helpend daarna in het dagelijks leven weer meer te kunnen leven vanuit oprechte verbinding en ook als die later weer even weg is weet ik dat ik weer naar terug kan, met of zonder hulp. Dank lief, fijn en veilig team, jullie zijn pracht mensen. De liefde, expertise en verbinding waren voelbaar.



Wat is Avani een mooie en fijne plek om op jezelf in de ogen te mogen kijken rondom de thema’s die op dat moment belangrijk voor je zijn. Uit nieuwsgierigheid schreef ik mij in voor de Rite of Passage. Ik werd blij verrast. Wat een leuke en diverse groep deelnemers en een fijn team dat een veilige setting wist neer te zetten. De werkwijze nodigde uit om naar binnen te gaan op zoek naar welke verandering jij zou willen. Dat kan spannend zijn, maar het is zeker een aanrader om aan te gaan. Het bracht velen, inclusief mij, veel moois.



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Nov 4th 4:00 p.m. to Nov 6th 2:30 p.m.  


AVANI 't Hoog 3 in Helvoirt, Brabant  


Early birds until October 18 (incl. bed in dormitory) € 550,- 

small wallet  (incl. bed in dormitory) € 495,- 

Regular price (incl. bed in dormitory): € 595,- 

Business ticket (incl. 21% VAT) (incl. bed in dormitory) € 720,-  


SIGN UP (mention your name and telephone number)  


It is important to be clear whether this retreat suits you.
If necessary, we will contact you by telephone or zoom. Also
you will receive a short questionnaire with which we ask a number of things about your health and intentions.




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